Empowering People through Character-based Counseling & Art Therapy

"Before I was worried about a lot of things! My head was full of (what Parisa calls) difficult thoughts. Now I understand myself better, feel calmer and feel more in control of my thoughts. I highly recommend her if you are full of negative thoughts and stress like I used to be."​
- Lise
"I have always been extremely impressed with Parisa's sunny bright personality and people skills. She has this unique ability to understand the challenges and opportunities to seek fulfilment and happiness consistent with her values, even when many would give up on being just content. She certainly impressed the LIS WOMAN ladies!"
- Laura Lozzo (GROOA AS)
"To me, Parisa is an excellent counsellor, not only because of her knowledge in the field and her commitment, but for her real sympathy and empathy towards people."
- Sarah
"Parisa's Mindfulness Art meetings at Holmen Inbyggertorget were professional and inclusive. I really liked her calm way of leading meditations and that all group participants were taken care of. There were no requirements to be able to express themselves and share experiences and thoughts with the group. Her group was a safe place to be. I looked forward to every meeting."
- Joanna Szybiak
"Loved the course which gave me a lot of inspiration. It also gave me an attitude towards always having to perform. Nice to just follow my feelings and get a little more in touch with my inner self."
- Sisel
"I attended Parisa's art therapy course. I am very happy that I was able to attend this course. After the course I went home with a lot of positive energy and positive feelings. But what I loved most was that I discovered in myself a lot of feelings and deep beliefs, which I was not fully aware of. It was sometimes heavy. But eventually I found that getting in touch with these heavy feelings lessens their impact on me. I highly recommend her course."
- Course participant